I'm being stalked by psycho killers and I hide in the shower?! - Piper

Howdy. Welcome to Charmed episode #40 (season 2, episode 18) "Chick Flick" fanlisting. A fanlisting is a grouping of fans of a specific thing - in this case, of this awesome and hilarious episode of Charmed.

"Chick Flick" was originally aired on April 20th, 2000 and its summary is the following:
The Halliwell sisters battle a demon of illusions who begins terrorizing the area by bringing horror film characters to life. While releasing celluloid villains the demon accidental releases Phoebe's favorite film hero, Billy (guest star Chris Payne Gilbert), who remains in black and white. Enjoying his new found ability to bring psycho killers from the screen to the real world, the demon sends an ax murderer and knife-wielding corpse to kill Prue, Piper and Phoebe. With Billy and Leo's help, The Charmed Ones vanquish the killer characters and join the demon in an on-screen battle of good vs. evil. Although Piper and Phoebe almost get trapped when the movie prematurely ends, the on-screen witches are able to conquer the demon on his own turf and leap back to the off-screen world while Phoebe says a heart-tugging good-bye to her two-dimensional boyfriend.

Out of the 100 episodes of Charmed that have aired on television, "Chick Flick" is my absolute favorite. My favorite scene is when Piper and Prue run out of the bathroom where Bloody Mary found them, and straight into Phoebe and Billy - of which much screaming ensues. But the entire episode is hilarious and fun from start to finish. If you love this episode as much as I do, please glance over the rules and then grab a code and join.

The Chick Flick Fanlisting is proud to be a part of The Fanlistings as well as affiliates with Charmed Lair

060604 - 12 New Members! .... Sorry I haven't updated in forever; School (and life in general) has been so hectic and I haven't been able to keep any of my websites up to date, but I'll continue to add members here and possibly find some new stuff for the website so keep checking back and join if you're not a member already!!
092403 - 19 New Members!
040803 - 6 New Members!
012303 - 29 New Members!
101702 - 15 New Members

Thanks so much to Becky and Ryan of the Bewitching Charm awards for giving this site the award for "Best Clique/Fanlisting" - it means the world to me to receive this award and I'm eternally grateful.
